A Summer Series of Concerts at Theatre La Cible Paris

I would like to thank Hannah Judson and Brian Clevinger and Michel Esquelin for inviting me to do something a little different, something to challenge my photography skills beyond what I ever thought I would ever venture. Challenge me it did!!!


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This new adventure saw me using current equipment photographing  people, in a small dark but divine burlesque theatre in Paris, with movement of people,  and light that I have never had to work with before..


What I found most interesting about this little venture is how I was affected and influenced by the music when shooting. As with all music there is a mood a touching of the heart to different degrees in different ways. It was this that influenced what I saw, where I moved and what I eventually captured in the photos. This was something I didn’t factor in when I was researching how to best set my camera up to take the photos.


At the end of both concerts, I came away feeling touched by the music and not really knowing or feeling that I had anything of worth or interest on the camera (the little screen at the back just doesn’t do it for me, I need to wait until I get home and load them onto my PC) and the only people who need to be impressed are the people who asked you to take the photos and on both counts they have enjoyed them very much. So my very critical critique of my work will remain with me and used the next venture that I am fortunate enough to be apart of.

And for one of my favourites,

and now for a snippet of feedback from Peter Eastway, AIPP Grand Master of Photography (Better Photography Magazine)

“As a detail photograph and part of a series, I think you have done very well. The tight crop and hint of motion blur work well. If shooting more of this type of work – and you should…..”


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